Zonal’s Mobile Stocks application, available exclusively to Zonal EPoS customers, makes stock counting easier, more efficient and accurate from a mobile device, easily facilitating counting by location, all tightly integrated with the Stock and Order solution. Mobile Stocks eliminates the need for printed count sheets and manual count entries into the EPoS system. The stocktaking process is simplified with all counts fed directly into the EPoS Stock module. Easy-to-use and very flexible, Mobile Stocks enables the stock count to be carried out by selecting products from the list, searching for items or by scanning the product’s barcode using the integrated scanner.

- Seamless stock counting through a mobile device
- Eliminates printed count sheets
- Combines counts from multiple locations
- Counts can be completed by multiple stocktakers
- Counts are imported directly into the EPoS Stock module
- Flexible and powerful application
Adding real value to your business
Zonal’s solutions are purpose-built for the hospitality industry, benefiting large chains and small independents alike.

“Zonal has an excellent stock control system”

“With an accurate view of stock and wastage, we are now building an action plan to improve gross profit across the estate”