The unstoppable rise of Order and Pay

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Customers’ top 5 hospitality frustrations and the tech that can fix them

People of all ages live on their smartphones, and a mobile device is as essential to today’s customers as their house keys and wallet or purse – you simply don’t leave the house without them.

Our latest infographic explores the dramatic rise of the latest trend in smartphone technology: an app that allows customers to order and pay for food and drink from the comfort of their seat, delivering a flexible and convenient experience, while offering operational efficiencies for the hospitality venue.


  • Smartphone users spent 1 trillion hours using apps in 2016
  • 44% of millennials said they would rather use their mobile than cash to pay for small items
  • 45% of diners admit that the option to pay online would increase brand loyalty
  • 50% of consumers have already downloaded a restaurant-branded app to their smartphone
  • 60% of 25-34 year olds would order more drinks using Order and Pay apps

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